Overcoming anxiety in teen girls

Concord High P&C is partnering with Burwood Girls High P&C to bring you a free parent webinar.

Please register your interest by clicking on this link



Bench seating

The new bench seating has been installed outside the side office and along the perimeter of the wall in this area giving students another option for seating during recess and lunch. This bench seating was in desperate need of updating as the pictures show.

The P&C obtained a grant from Club Five Dock along with fundraising and parent donations this was made possible. The P&C continue to work alongside the school to identify projects that will impact every student, providing teens with better facilities, equipment and opportunities for their learning. This is only possible through the dedication of a small team of parents working behind the scenes who would love some more parents to jump on board.

If you have some time to spare – even if you can’t get to the meetings – please reach out to us as we have some projects that we’d love to do but can’t with the current man power.

Groundbreaking ceremony


On Friday 18th October the school was honoured with a visit from the Minister for Education and Deputy Premier Prue Car. Alongside her was Federal Member for Reid, Sally Sitou. The groundbreaking ceremony or “sod turn” was a symbolic moment to mark the beginning of new building works now that all the demolition has been done.

The P&C attended this ceremony alongside student leaders from year 9 and 10 and representatives from the Senior Leadership Team. The ceremony also made the news.

The major upgrade will see 3 new buildings, including 40 new classrooms and the removal of 20 demountables from the school grounds once the new buildings are finished. As part of the upgrade project some minor refurbishment of 36 existing classrooms will also take place.

The upgrade will ensure the school has capacity for the number of students enrolled both now and in the near future, ensuringfamilies have the option to enrol their young person in their local co-educational high school.

Senior Courtyard


Stephanie Di Pasqua visited Concord High School on July 4th to meet with Year 12 students, the Principal, and Anna Koskinen from the P&C. Stephanie was keen to see the newly completed Senior Courtyard. This project was funded through the Community Building Partnership program.

The new courtyard is a seniors-only space which is being used as a meeting spot, a place to eat lunch, outdoor study and, recently was used to host a prefect meeting, bringing together student leaders from other local schools in our community.

Stephanie would like to sincerely congratulate all involved with this project. The P&C would like to thank all who were involved in creating this much needed space for senior students.

New Building Update


As part of the NSW Government’s plan to rebuild public education, the 2024-25 Budget is delivering record education funding, including $3.6 billion for new and upgraded schools in Western Sydney. This targeted investment will ensure growing communities get access to a world class public education.

The upgraded Concord High School will have 40 new permanent classrooms across three new buildings which include:

  • 32 new standard classrooms.
  • specialist classrooms and learning spaces for visual arts, performing arts and PDHPE.
  • a new support learning unit with 3 classrooms.
  • new front facing administration and staff facilities.
  • a new school hall.
  • relocation of the library administration and demolition of walls to create more space for students and programs.
  • upgrades to existing facilities (more details in July project update).

To make way for the new buildings, the current school hall and canteen (Block E) and sports courts will be removed. The new buildings will be adjacent to Stanley Street to allow for better access, improved security, and opportunities for future community use.

Once the construction of the new buildings are complete, the temporary demountable classrooms will be removed from site, these areas will then be landscaped and new sports courts will be provided.

Temporary arrangements for the canteen and student changerooms will be made for the duration of construction and will be available from Term 3 2024.

As part of the upgrade project, a portion of the budget has been allocated for minor refurbishment of selected existing spaces across the school.

This includes a minor refurbishment of the Theatrette (Block F) and light refurbishment of 36 classrooms and 10 learning commons.

This work will be undertaken by a separate contractor to the major upgrade works and will soon go to tender.

More details on the final scope and timeline of these works will be provided once a contractor has been appointed.

2024 Trivia Night Success

The P&C would like to say a huge Thank You to all who came along to the Trivia Night on Saturday 29th June.

It was a fantastic night, the questions were suitably tricky, the drinks flowed, the games between rounds were very popular and the silent auction was a huge success.

We want to particularly mention OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE North Strathfield who catered for the event for free, hosting a BBQ and cooking up delicious chicken burgers and steak sandwiches. CRUST PIZZA Concord also provided us with 20 pizzas for free, so we all ate very well.

We are still counting up all the money but expect it to be over $5000 raised towards the new bench seating in the playground.

Thank you to all our wonderful parent volunteers who made the night happen and did lots of work behind the scenes too.

Bench seating

Concord High school is about to undergo a big transformation with the new development. There are however a few areas around the school that are in need of upgrades. Outside the side office is one of them. The P&C, with your help, would like to replace worn out bench seating with modern, high quality beautiful bench seating as pictured.

We would appreciate your donations to make this happen.

The P&C have a DGR (deductible gift recipient) building fund account and any donation above $2 is eligible to be claimed as a tax deductible donation. This fund is specifically to be used for the construction, improvement and maintenance of school buildings as stated  by the ATO. Donate before June 30th to claim the tax back.


The school has transformed in the last 5 years thanks to donations from parents like yourself. We want to take this opportunity to thank you for any donations you have made in the past.


Mascot costume and more

We had a really exciting meeting discussing several funding requests and being able to vote to fund many exciting projects around the school. So far this year we have funded :

  • Lion dancers and French mime performer for Harmony Week
  • Year 10 peer support students to have a small part of camp fees covered to attend year 7 camp
  • Library furniture including 2 new sofas and new shelving
  • New robotics kits for use in class and lunch clubs
  • New sports uniforms for students representing the school
  • and the Magpie Mascot costume

We are about to undertake a project to fundraise for new seating outside the side office and will soon have our tax deductible “building fund” account ready to accept donations towards our goal of purchasing new benches. If you are eligible to claim tax you might want to consider a donation to help us with our goal of funding these new benches.

The Concord High School P&C received approval from the ATO to establish a tax deductible building fund from 18 February 2020. All donations to the fund over $2 are tax deductible. Donations to the Fund may only be used to acquire, construct or maintain school buildings & fixtures – as per the Australian Tax Office regulations – and we will fund only those projects discussed and approved at P&C meetings.

Our website team are working hard to have this up and running soon.

2024 Year 7 – Parents & Students night

If you have a year 7 student you are invited to our P&C meet and greet
Where: Club Five Dock
When: Thursday 14th March from 6:30pm – 8pm.

Come and meet other parents, with a short Q&A session where you or your year 7 student can ask a small panel of current year 8 students questions.
It will be an informal, night will be a fun way to meet other parents.


Senior Courtyard for Year 11 and 12


Another amazing achievement made possible by the hard work of  the grants team within the p&c is the redevelopment of the Senior Courtyard for year 11 and 12 students. Previously this area had poor drainage, leaf litter, was very gloomy and had just a few seats.  Significant work was undertaken to rectify this and provide the students with a wonderful place to hang out.

The P&C obtained a Community Building Partnership grant to provide shade sails and consulted with the student population to create this magnificent transformation of space. The furniture was also purchased through parent donations and reflects the desires of the student population. We are thrilled that the senior students have such a fantastic space to hang out in. There will be some additional planting planned for this area down the track.