How to stay connected and contribute to the school when time is hard to find
Concord High School P&C offers a means of staying connected with your child, their school and your local community. We know it’s an uncertain time and finding time can be a challenge. Here are four ways you can keep connected.
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is fast approaching. We’ll elect a President, two Vice Presidents, a Treasurer and Secretary. We are still looking for nominations for a Secretary. Please come along and meet the new P&C office bearers for 2021-22.
Following our AGM is a general meeting. General meetings are a great way to meet other parents, carers and community members. Attending a meeting is also a useful way to keep informed of some of the matters at the school that don’t always appear in the school’s KIT newsletter. And you can make comments that will help shape decisions at the school.
At our next general meeting, hear guest speaker Jeff Seibels, a Director from the Department of Education’s Asset Management Unit talk about how maintenance at the school works, the current state of maintenance and future plans for our school including a state-of-the-art multipurpose sports facility and architect-designed outdoor spaces for our students.
The P&C also assists providing school facilities and equipment, and promoting the recreation and welfare of the students.
So far this year we have raised more than $60,000 from grants, event fundraising and parent contributions.
We have a number of committee opportunities within our P&C to help focus on grants, fundraising and student wellbeing. And there are some exciting initiatives in their early stages at the school including new and upgraded amenities as well as a number of student and parent wellness programs you can help shape.
Concord High School P&C has established a tax deductible building fund. You can make a donation via our website and receive a Tax Invoice. And we’ve provided a few options where you can make a one-time donation or a subscription option where you can make a donation every month (and cancel any time). Funds will be provided to improve and maintain buildings at the school.
We’re thrilled our Facebook group members are growing quickly in number. And we’re receiving some amazing member comments. This is a private group and it might be an easy way for you to keep informed of the issues on our minds and contribute via comments.
For more information or to share your ideas, please get in touch. We welcome including the diverse skills of our school community and would love to hear from you.